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Learn about our program

The Adopt-a-Road Program is designed, for civic-minded people such as yourself, to enhance the roadside environment by cleaning Mesa County's roads.  

There are a few things to keep in mind before you get started.

Be safe

Remember, safety always comes first! You, the volunteer, are responsible for your well being while engaging in Adopt-A-Road activity.

  • Watch for traffic at all times. (Emergency vehicles divert traffic to the road shoulder.)
  • Be aware that your presence is a potential distraction for drivers.
  • Make sure you know about any potentially noxious plants for your section of road.
  • Watch for broken glass.
  • Watch for hazardous materials/waste (do not pick up roadkill or hazmat/waste; notify Traffic Services immediately).
  • Watch for sharp wire and metal.
  • Watch for snakes, rodents and other small animals.
  • Sun screen lotion and plenty of water are highly advised.


Photograph of Adopt a Highway Sign - Rural with tilled field in the background

What does Mesa County provide?

  • Bags to collect trash
  • Required orange vests
  • Your organization’s name will be placed on an Adopt-A-Road Sign for your section of the road

What is expected from you?

  • Your organization is required to commit for at least one year. This may vary depending on location.
  • In general, trash needs to be picked up a minimum of three times a year. This may vary depending on the road section you adopt.
  • Contact Traffic Services before each pickup. Usually 14 days in advance for the first pick up and 5 days for each thereafter.
  • While young people are encouraged to participate, they can prove to be a handful. Therefore the group shall provide one adult supervisor for every eight (8) participants between 13-17 years of age, or every four (4) participants between 6-12 years of age.
  • No one under the age of six will be allowed to participate.
  • As bags are filled they need to be placed 4-6 feet from the edge of the road. Items too large for trash bags should be placed next to the trash bags 4-6 feet away from the edge of the road. Make sure bags are left in areas maintenance can retrieve safely from, free of curves and narrow shoulders. Please do not over fill bags.
  • Groups are advised to use one or two vehicles to transport group personnel to clean up the area. On primary and secondary roads, it is recommended that vehicles be parked 10 feet off the road. Group vehicles shall not disrupt traffic flow.
  • Groups may not display messages, carry banners, or advertise their business affiliation in any manner other than their name affixed on the standard Adopt-A-Road sign provided.
  • Do not engage in horseplay, running, quick movement, and/or other activity that may disrupt a driver’s attention.
  • The consumption of alcohol and/or drugs or being under their influence while engaged in this activity is prohibited.
  • A list of all group participants and emergency phone numbers should be on file with Traffic Services and up dated as needed.