Contract approved for 25 Road and I Drainage Improvement Project
December 7, 2023
A $717,833 contract for the 25 Road and I Drainage Improvement Project received its stamp of approval from the Board of Commissioners at the administrative public hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 5.
The 25 Road and I Drainage Improvement Project is an effort to re-establish 873 linear feet of an unnamed drainage system southwest of the 25 Road and I Road intersection in Mesa County to restore the channel. Much sediment was deposited into the channel, removing the defined channel and causing drainage issues under the road.
Construction will consist of
- Re-establishment of 873 linear feet of drainage system and a 5-foot width channel
- Temporarily stockpiling the material
- Landscaping
This project will restore the channel downstream of 25 Road and I Road and the sediment transport processes of the channel and ultimately revitalize the stream and ecological functions.
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