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Mesa County Customer Portal

Our new customer portal is now live! To submit a new planning project, right-of-way, construction stormwater or driveway permit, code compliance violation or to view your current projects and permits follow the link below.

Note: Building permits are not currently accepted electronically. 

How to apply online

Need additional assistance with the Mesa County Customer Portal? Please review the Community Development Technical Assistance user guides.

Planning applications not submitted through the Customer Portal

The following applications are not submitted through the Mesa County Customer Portal.


When planning your project, please review the Setbacks and Site Plan Instructions to determine appropriate setbacks for your property.

Setbacks and Site Plan Instructions

Home occupations

The home occupation regulations are intended to permit residents to engage in home occupations, while ensuring that the activity will not be a detriment to the character and livability of the surrounding area. The regulations require that the home occupation, an accessory use, remains subordinate to the allowed principal use of household living, and that the residential viability of the dwelling unit is maintained.

Application - Home Occupation Registration Form

Exempt home occupations

Certain home occupations may be considered exempt and only require registration if:

  • the use does not have more than 10 client/customer visits per week
  • does not have non-resident employees visiting the site
  • does not have outdoor activities or storage on the site
  • storage of hazardous materials or waste is not a primary use of the home occupation
  • quantities and types of hazardous materials stored on site cannot exceed that of normal household use

Home daycare

Application - Daycare

Residential and Agriculture Site Plan

A Residential Site Plan application is required for:

  • development of all new residential land use,
  • for additions and alterations to existing buildings,
  • for an addition of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU),
  • to utilize all or a part of the primary structure or ADU as a short-term rental (nightly rental).

An Agricultural Site Plan application is required for all agricultural structures including (but not limited to):

  • Shops
  • Barns
  • Greenhouses
  • Sheds
  • Detached garages
  • Change of use
  • Solar

A Planning Clearance is not required for accessory buildings (sheds) that have a footprint of less than 120 square feet, for flat work such as at-grade patios, or for fences less than 7 feet tall.

Application Residential Planning Clearance August 2024

Agricultural Site Plan (Clearance)

Setbacks and Site Plan Instructions

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)

Sometimes referred to as a "mother-in-law" apartment, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a living unit added to, created within, or detached from the principal dwelling that provides basic requirements for living. For more information about ADU standards see Section 6.04.E of the 2020 Land Development Code. 

Setbacks and Site Plan Instructions

New or change of address

Application- New or Change of Address

To request a new address or change of address, please contact 970-244-1636.

Other forms and information

Community Development applications and forms

Code Compliance - Citizen complaint process

Mesa County Floodplain Management - Permit or variance

Mesa County Stormwater Management - Stormwater Construction Permit or Stormwater Construction Variance