Victim Services Unit from District Attorney's Office
The 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office is dedicated to advocating for your rights as a crime victim and helping you access appropriate services. As a victim of crime you will be treated with fairness, dignity and respect.
A Victim Specialist can assist you with getting information about the criminal case, the court process and community resources.
As the victim of a crime, you have the right to have the following information.
- Defendant's Name
- Charge(s)
- Law Enforcement Report number/ Court Case number
- Judge and Division Location
- Assigned Prosecutor
- Victim Specialist
This information can be obtained by contacting the Victim Services Unit Office at 970-244-1730, ext. 1.
Victim Rights Amendment
The Victim Rights Act (VRA) is a Constitutional Right in Colorado. The VRA ensures that crime victims are treated with fairness, respect, dignity and that they are free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse. The VRA also helps to ensure that victims are informed of critical stages of the criminal justice process and that they may be present for, and heard, at certain stages as well.
Please visit the Division of Criminal Justice for the full list of crimes that are covered under the Victims Rights Act.
Facility Dog

Rachael II.
Hello! My name is Rachael. I am a beautiful black Labrador Retriever and I work for the 21st Judicial District Attorney's Office as a facility dog. It is my job to make humans feel better during meetings when they are discussing difficult and traumatic information. Sometimes I even help humans testify in court.
I graduated college from Canine Companions for Independence, (CCI) where I earned a two year training certificate and learned over 40 commands. I love my job and take it seriously. Often I have “no pet” days to help me stay focused and to limit distractions. So if you see me at the courthouse, please don’t pet me until you have asked my handler if it is okay. My handler is a nice lady called Ashley, and I think she is a very good girl.
U-Visa Information
The U-Visa is a nonimmigrant status that is set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity.
To learn more about this program please visit the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
For additional information please contact the Victim Services Unit at 970-244-1730, ext 1.
Crime Victim Compensation Program
A program that assists crime victims injured in Mesa County, Colorado
VALE Program
Victim & Witness Assistance & Law Enforcement Program Fund
Community Resources
Useful links to victim related resources
Restitution is the court-ordered repayment of losses directly related to the crime by the offender to the victim
Colorado VINE is a proactive victim notification system that sends you an automatic alert anytime an offender’s custody status changes
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