Client Employment
Community Corrections clients are active in the community. There are a multitude of employers in the community that value our clients and invest in their success. Employed clients are more likely to be successful in the program, in the community and in reaching their personal goals.
Benefits of employing Community Corrections clients
- Employers can contact CJSD Staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for support in coaching clients on professional workplace behaviors as necessary.
- Clients working towards gaining employment are available for temporary employment.
- When a client is unavailable for work, CJSD Staff can help find substitutes for the employer.
- Work environments are safer due to random substance testing of clients and services provided to clients.
- Staff complete random checks by phone and by visit to encourage client success and growth.
- Employers who utilize community corrections clients may be eligible for a Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Businesses that employ clients from Community Corrections could be eligible for Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). WOTC can reduce employer federal tax liability by $2,400 - $9,600 tax credit per new hire. By hitting on this link you will go from the Mesa County Website to the Colorado Work Opportunity Tax Credit website. Below are Colorado State informative videos for further information about the WOTC and How To Apply.
Videos from Colorado State:
Client employment expectations
- One day off every seven days.
- Many clients attend therapeutic and educational treatment classes. These classes are considered a priority.
- To help support clients, an authorized employer contact should be present to verify client work schedules and locations. These types of contacts will be done by phone and physically checking on clients.
- Clients are assisted in developing financial stability through Direct Deposit when possible. This allows clients to complete accurate monthly budgets and manage their finances.
Employer of the Year award
The Mesa County Community Corrections Board recognizes one employer annually in recognition of Sheriff Dick Williams who began the first Mesa County Work Release Program in 1971. This award is given in gratitude to employers who have consistently worked with clients and the program. Employers that hire and work with our clients contribute to positive client growth and development. This in turn helps to promote a strong community.
Client employment support
The Community Resource Specialist helps clients in developing job search skills and employment skills to include:
- Resume development
- Application assistance
- Interviewing skills
- Transportation to job search and employment
- Employment placement and advocacy
- Vocational crew placement at the CJSD Campus
- Education opportunities and certifications
- Onsite computer lab for registering with employment agencies and opportunities to follow up with submitted applications
- Staff support in face to face job searching and interviewing in the community
- Mesa County Workforce Center services