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Firearms Prohibited on Courthouse Property

Firearms Prohibited: Carrying a firearm on your person concealed, open carry, or otherwise on courthouse property, including parking lots, is against the law and could result in summons or arrest pursuant to CRS 18-12-105.3.

Top out in five years!

All entry-level positions will progress through their specific pay in a six-step process, resulting in attaining top-out pay for the position at the end of the fifth year of service.

Hiring bonuses

Law enforcement or military experience? Speak Spanish or have a degree?

  • Fluent in both English and Spanish at the time of hire - $5,000 bonus
  • Associate's Degree or 60 credit hours from an accredited college - $3,000 bonus
  • Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college - $5,000 bonus
  • Master's Degree from an accredited college - $7,000 bonus
  • Active duty military service of 2 or more years - $4,000 bonus
  • 2-3 years of work-related experience – applicant will be hired at Step 2 of the pay range as described in Pay Plan Policy 1034
  • 3 or more years of related work experience - applicant will be hired at Step 3 of the pay range as described in Pay Plan Policy 1034

Only one bonus will be awarded per applicant; however, an applicant may qualify for the step increase for experience and one bonus level.

All bonuses will be paid in two parts:

  • 50% of bonus paid upon completion of the field-training program
  • Remaining 50% of bonus paid upon completing the first full year of employment

We value and cultivate leadership with many opportunities for advancement, trainings, specialized assignments, and career development tailored to your strengths. We encourage a team atmosphere, but in truth, we are family. 

Work in a pro-law enforcement community!

Not only will you see supportive blue lines throughout Mesa County.

Voters also passed a sales tax increase in November of 2017 just for public safety. 

Learn more about the Public Safety Sales Tax.

Photograph of a blue ribbon tied around a post for pro-law enforcement as a reminder of law enforcement personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifice and in honor of those men and women who serve their communities

Support for families

Photograph of of deputies from the Sheriff's Office with a group of young children from New Emerson school

Whether it’s your family at home or your law enforcement family, MCSO makes it a priority.

Learn more about Married To The Badge - Western Slope Auxiliary, an organization for law enforcement spouses that supports law enforcement families.


Training and facilities

The Mesa County Sheriff's Office uses virtual training simulators and a state-of-the-art 80-acre training facility to ensure the safety of the community and themselves.

Training begins when you are hired and continues throughout your law enforcement career.


Training specialists and instructors

  • Bring the latest policing techniques and best practices.
  • Strive to ensure our deputies are current in their skills.

Learn more about the Colorado Law Enforcement Training Center.

Photograph of deputies in Shooting Training with screen showing a person standing with their hands up


Photograph of a Mesa County Sheriff's vehicle on driving course at Colorado Law Enforcement Training Center driving through cones on track


Opportunities for growth and leadership development

We encourage leadership growth and provide training and opportunities to develop your skills.

There are many opportunities for career growth whether you are POST certified, work in the Detention Facility, or are civilian staff.

  • All employees can participate in the Colorado Leadership & Educational Development Program.  
  • This online learning program is designed to give employees the tools to reach their full leadership and career potential.  

The Sheriff’s Office also offers:

Specialized units and collateral duties not found at a city police department.

You could take a suspect to court one minute and fight a wildland fire the next, or go from patrolling the Grand Mesa to instructing the next generation of officers at the local Peace Officer's Academy.

Collateral duties available

  • Crime Scene Technician
  • Driving Instructor
  • Drug Recognition Expert
  • DUI SFTS Instructor
  • Explosives Expert
  • Firearms Instructor
  • Intoxilyzer Instructor
  • Less Lethal
  • Negotiator
  • Operations/POST Certified Collaterals
  • Polygrapher
  • SWAT
Photograph of a technician dusting a car for finger prints at a crime scene behind police line tape

Agency-wide collaterals

Photograph from Gibbler Gulch Fire of volunteer spraying water on hot spots on the side of the road

Jail specific collaterals

Specialized units