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Firearms Prohibited on Courthouse Property

Firearms Prohibited: Carrying a firearm on your person concealed, open carry, or otherwise on courthouse property, including parking lots, is against the law and could result in summons or arrest pursuant to CRS 18-12-105.3.

What is Search and Rescue?

  • Excluding the officials of the Mesa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO), Search and Rescue is strictly made up of volunteers.
  • All manpower and personal equipment are given as needed.
  • When working on an official mission, all volunteers (as required by Colorado law) are under the jurisdiction of the MCSO.
  • When a request for assistance is made by the MCSO, Search and Rescue volunteers are dispatched as needed to complete the mission.
  • Whatever the conditions, members do their best to meet those demands.
There is a red cross with the Mesa County logo in the middle. The word MESA is in the upper left corner, COUNTY in the upper right corner, SEARCH in the lower left, and RESCUE in the lower right in gold.

Join Search and Rescue

If you wish to join Mesa County Search and Rescue, apply online now.

Before members are accepted, new members are required to have:

  • Technical training
  • Special equipment
  • Certification standards
Two individuals position a spine board to be hoisted up a rockface.

Mesa County Search and Rescue membership requires:

  • Continued training
  • Meetings
  • Commitment of your personal time
  • Complete a Mesa County Sheriff's Office background check

A team leader will respond to your application.

Need additional information?

Visit the Mesa County Search and Rescue website.

Frequently asked questions

How do I activate Search and Rescue?

Any call to 911 will begin the process. Always provide the 911 dispatcher with:

  • Your name
  • Contact number
  • Location
  • Nature of your emergency

The 911 dispatcher will notify the appropriate Search and Rescue coordinator to provide you assistance.

Is there a charge for Search and Rescue?

The Mesa County Sheriff's Office does not charge for search and rescue. Providers from Medical units may charge for medical services and transport:

  • Fire Departments
  • Hospitals
  • Ambulance

Do not wait to call for assistance because you are worried about a bill.

Remember, if you need Search and Rescue, it is an emergency! Call 911.

You may purchase a CORSAR card at one of over 300 vendors in the state.

The CORSAR card helps defray the costs associated with Search and Rescue operations.

Should I carry a cellular phone while in the backcountry?

Cellular phones are a big help if there is an emergency.

But remember there is not cell phone coverage available in all of Mesa County due to terrain and distance.

  • Your cell provider may not have service in an area where you are experiencing an emergency.
  • Always make sure your battery is fully charged before entering the backcountry.
  • Turn your phone off to save power until it is needed.
  • Don't plan your survival tactics solely on a cell phone.

Should I carry a GPS?

Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) is a great electronic tool for establishing your location or the direction and distance to a known location (waypoint).

  • GPS use requires practice with the instrument to understand how to use it.
  • Because they are electronic they require batteries and they can occasionally fail.
  • Search and Rescue teams train routinely with GPS, but they never venture into the field without a compass.
  • We encourage that both be utilized together.

What are the PLBs I have been reading about?

A Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) is a radio transmitter that relays an emergency signal to a satellite in case of emergency activation.

  • From the satellite, the received information is relayed to Search and Rescue volunteers.
  • All the satellite knows is that the PLB has been activated and the approximate location from which it is sending signals.
  • PLBs do not tell the Search and Rescue volunteers what kind of emergency exists.
  • Search and Rescue volunteers do not know if they are responding to:
    • A lost person
    • A medical emergency
    • An avalanche
  • It should be only activated in an emergency.
  • All Search and Rescue resources are deployed because the type of emergency is unknown.

Going to explore the outdoors?

Make sure you are prepared!

Whether you are going on the river, hiking, biking, or recreating outdoors, it's important to be prepared.

Weather can change rapidly and accidents can happen.

Be prepared by visiting the Mesa County Search and Rescue website.

THere are two individuals strapping a man to a backboard to slowly move the injured individual.

Do you have a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) card?

If you ever need Search and Rescue, it helps us pay for the cost!

By purchasing a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) card you are:

  • Contributing to the Search and Rescue Fund
  • Your contribution will reimburse these teams for costs incurred in search and rescues across the State of Colorado.
  • The CORSAR card is available for
    • $3 for a one-year card
    • $12 for a five-year card
I Help Colorado Search Logo

Get your CORSAR card today!

Visit the Search and Rescue Fund website provided by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs to purchase a card.

Photograph of a sample of Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) card

Follow Search and Rescue on Facebook

Do you have more questions?

Visit the Mesa County Search and Rescue website for additional information

Mesa County Search and Rescue

Contact information

Sgt. Richard Acree

If you have an emergency, please call 911.

Team member resources

Search and Rescue Resource Information

  • Please address and send this to your valid email address.
  • You will receive an email message to access, fill out and submit the form.
  • The completed form will then be routed to MCSO staff who will approve your request and process reimbursement of the related expenses.
  • Via email, you will receive a copy of the completed and approved form for your records.

Please enter your name and email to begin the signing process.

Search and Rescue Resource Form